Every child has unique needs. Following intensive assessment, SPARC builds a therapy regimen tailored to your child.
Does your child need help with articulation? Does she struggle with understanding? Is following directions a challenge? We help kids learn to express themselves in a well organized manner. SPARC specializes in providing therapy to kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder, from mild to severe. In addition, SPARC speech pathologists have extensive experience treating those who struggle with receptive language (comprehension), expressive language (verbal and non-verbal), use of AAC (Alternative and Augmentative Communication), stuttering, tongue thrust, phonological processing, articulation/clarity, apraxia of speech, language processing, pragmatic language (social skills), and executive functioning deficits.
An evaluation will be arranged where you and your child will meet with the speech pathologist, discuss concerns and struggles, complete standardized testing and informal assessment, then follow up to discuss results and recommendations.